Today is day 118 of the 1945 season
WAA column shows value accumulated playing for all teams including PHI this season.
Rank | WAA | Name | Pos |
+007+ | 6.67 | Buster Adams | OF-CF-LF |
+027+ | 3.39 | Vince DiMaggio | CF-OF |
+058+ | 2.1 | Andy Karl | PITCH |
XXXXX | 1.09 | Jimmie Foxx | 1B-3B |
XXXXX | 1.02 | Bill Lee | PITCH |
XXXXX | 0.7 | Lou Lucier | PITCH |
XXXXX | 0.64 | Dick Mauney | PITCH |
XXXXX | 0.41 | Andy Seminick | CR |
XXXXX | 0.35 | Nick Goulish | BAT |
XXXXX | 0.35 | Coaker Triplett | LF-OF |