Today is day 163 of the 1923 season
WAA column shows value accumulated playing for all teams including OAK this season.
Rank | WAA | Name | Pos |
+017+ | 4.95 | Eddie Rommel | PITCH |
+028+ | 4.05 | Joe Hauser | 1B |
+072+ | 2.3 | Rollie Naylor | PITCH |
+094+ | 1.46 | Sammy Hale | 3B |
XXXXX | 0.62 | Dennis Burns | PITCH |
XXXXX | 0.6 | Roy Meeker | PITCH |
XXXXX | 0.23 | Ren Kelly | PITCH |
XXXXX | 0.19 | Harry O'Neill | PITCH |
XXXXX | 0.06 | Chuck Wolfe | PITCH |
XXXXX | 0.02 | Bing Miller | OF-LF-RF |