Today is day 153 of the 1921 season
WAA column shows value accumulated playing for all teams including CLE this season.
Rank | WAA | Name | Pos |
+015+ | 6.85 | Elmer Smith | OF-RF |
+019+ | 6.21 | Larry Gardner | 3B |
+021+ | 5.36 | Tris Speaker | CF-OF |
+023+ | 4.8 | Stan Coveleski | PITCH |
+034+ | 3.83 | George Burns | 1B |
+041+ | 3.53 | Joe Sewell | SS |
+044+ | 3.09 | Smoky Joe Wood | OF-RF-CF |
+056+ | 2.25 | Riggs Stephenson | 2B |
+058+ | 2.17 | Guy Morton | PITCH |
+073+ | 1.71 | Bill Wambsganss | 2B |