Today is day 122 of the 1913 season
WAA column shows value accumulated playing for all teams including CLE this season.
Rank | WAA | Name | Pos |
+007+ | 5.49 | Shoeless Joe Jackson | OF |
+013+ | 4.37 | Willie Mitchell | PITCH |
+020+ | 3.19 | Fred Blanding | PITCH |
+026+ | 2.72 | Cy Falkenberg | PITCH |
+033+ | 2.47 | Nap Lajoie | 2B |
+035+ | 2.45 | Vean Gregg | PITCH |
+065+ | 1.65 | Bill Steen | PITCH |
+067+ | 1.6 | Jack Graney | OF |
XXXXX | 0.79 | Terry Turner | 3B-2B-SS |
XXXXX | 0.77 | Buddy Ryan | OF |