Today is day 141 of the 1934 season
WAA column shows value accumulated playing for all teams including CHA this season.
Rank | WAA | Name | Pos |
+017+ | 5.95 | Al Simmons | OF-LF |
+019+ | 5.54 | Zeke Bonura | 1B |
XXXXX | 1.05 | Luke Appling | SS |
XXXXX | 0.24 | Jimmy Dykes | 3B-1B-2B |
XXXXX | -0.03 | Bill Fehring | BAT |
XXXXX | -0.08 | Monty Stratton | PITCH |
XXXXX | -0.15 | Johnny Pasek | BAT |
XXXXX | -0.21 | Mark Mauldin | 3B |
XXXXX | -0.22 | Ted Lyons | PITCH |
XXXXX | -0.22 | Charlie Uhlir | BAT |