Today is day 29 of the 1913 season
WAA column shows value accumulated playing for all teams including BOS this season.
Rank | WAA | Name | Pos |
+005+ | 1.71 | Duffy Lewis | OF |
+014+ | 1.32 | Tris Speaker | OF |
XXXXX | 0.78 | Clyde Engle | 1B |
XXXXX | 0.45 | Steve Yerkes | 2B |
XXXXX | 0.38 | Harry Hooper | OF |
XXXXX | 0.18 | Larry Gardner | 3B |
XXXXX | 0.11 | Hugh Bedient | PITCH |
XXXXX | 0.04 | Dutch Leonard | PITCH |
XXXXX | -0.02 | Jake Stahl | BAT |
XXXXX | -0.02 | Pinch Thomas | CR |