Today is day 172 of the 1915 season
WAA column shows value accumulated playing for all teams including ATL this season.
Rank | WAA | Name | Pos |
+014+ | 4.71 | Sherry Magee | OF-CF-LF-1B |
+033+ | 3.14 | Dick Rudolph | PITCH |
+039+ | 3.02 | Tom Hughes | PITCH |
+054+ | 2.19 | Red Smith | 3B |
+065+ | 1.9 | Pat Ragan | PITCH |
+079+ | 1.45 | Jesse Barnes | PITCH |
+081+ | 1.4 | Butch Schmidt | 1B |
+083+ | 1.34 | Ed Fitzpatrick | 2B-OF-RF |
+084+ | 1.32 | Art Nehf | PITCH |
XXXXX | 0.92 | Fred Snodgrass | OF-CF |