Rank | WAA | BA | OBP | PA | Rbis | Runs | Tm |
XXXXX | 0.13 | 0.238 | 0.308 | 156 | 11 | 15 | ATL |
Note: Daily data in early seasons can be incomplete and will differ from end of year results due to possible missing games, unknown allocation of unearned runs, scorekeeper changes/disputes, etc. The sum of all changes impact league wide averages that WAA calculations depend upon for all players. The end of year Rank/WAA record is correct.
Date | Rank | WAA | TeamID |
19080504 | XXXXX | 0.63 | ATL |
19080519 | XXXXX | 0.29 | ATL |
19080602 | XXXXX | 0.13 | ATL |
19080604 | XXXXX | 0.08 | ATL |
19080618 | XXXXX | -0.09 | ATL |
19080702 | XXXXX | 0.31 | ATL |
19080716 | XXXXX | -0.06 | ATL |
19080730 | XXXXX | 0.27 | ATL |
19080813 | XXXXX | 0.49 | ATL |
19080827 | XXXXX | 0.34 | ATL |
19080910 | XXXXX | 0.10 | ATL |
19080924 | XXXXX | 0.15 | ATL |
19081008 | XXXXX | 0.09 | ATL |
Claude Ritchey Post Season Games
Rank | WAA | BA | OBP | PA | Rbis | Runs | Tm |
XXXXX | -0.15 | 0.148 | 0.258 | 31 | 3 | 2 | PIT |