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1904 Chick Robitaille

1904 Chick Robitaille PITCH WAA


1904 Chick Robitaille PITCH WAR


The line graph below shows daily WAA and Batting Average for reference. Fluctuation in batting average decreases as a season progresses. BA for pitchers is batting average against.

Note: Years before 1920 have a significant amount of missing unearned runs recorded in daily data. This can drastically impact daily pitcher WAA valuation which the line graph below depends upon. End of year UR in standings and end of year player WAA/Rank (above) is correct

Note: Daily data in early seasons can be incomplete and will differ from end of year results due to possible missing games, unknown allocation of unearned runs, scorekeeper changes/disputes, etc. The sum of all changes impact league wide averages that WAA calculations depend upon for all players. The end of year Rank/WAA record is correct.

Chick Robitaille 1904 Bi-Weekly Snapshots



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