Gallery | Your photos on your website

Good news!Brad Dutton has been leading a community that is continuing Gallery development. He and his team have made progress over the past year and have a stable version of Gallery 3 that is PHP 7+ compatible, contains a replacement for the old Flash-based image uploader, an updated jQuery Library and other features. They’ve been testing it for a year now with no problems and have released it as Gallery 3.1.0.

Source: Gallery | Your photos on your website

Written 11/13/2019 but I have to install it LOL.

Inside Foxconn’s empty buildings, empty factories, and empty promises in Wisconsin

Months after the 2018 groundbreaking, the company was racing to hire the 260 people needed to receive the first tranche of payments from the lucrative subsidy package passed by then-Gov. Scott Walker. Recruiters were told to hit the number but given little in the way of job descriptions. Soon, the office began to fill with people who had nothing to do. Many just sat in their cubicles watching Netflix and playing games on their phones.

Source: Inside Foxconn’s empty buildings, empty factories, and empty promises in Wisconsin

4 Best Chart Generation Options with PHP Components

Although it is JavaScript based, Google Charts has a couple of options to make your charts entirely in PHP. You can either use server-side code (in our case PHP) to get the data, or get one of the open-source wrappers to do it for you.

Source: 4 Best Chart Generation Options with PHP Components – SitePoint

Need to generate charts for the website and looking into php options.  Google seems like the simplest solution right now.  The above site breaks down each option nicely.

Here’s more info about Google Charts.

Gallery development is continuing!

Brad Dutton has been leading a community that is continuing Gallery development. He and his team have made progress over the past year and have a stable version of Gallery 3 that is PHP 7+ compatible, contains a replacement for the old Flash-based image uploader, an updated jQuery Library and other features. They’ve been testing it for a year now with no problems and have released it as Gallery 3.1.0.

Source: Gallery development is continuing! | Gallery

The above blurb posted 11/13/2019.  The Gallery project went into hibernation in 2014. Sites hosted here, and, use Gallery 2 which still works great.

Windows 10 is possibly the worst spyware ever made

We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to.

EFF, where are you?

Source: Windows 10 is possibly the worst spyware ever made | Network World

From August 2015

A lazy fix 20 years ago means the Y2K bug is taking down computers now

Programmers wanting to avoid the Y2K bug had two broad options: entirely rewrite their code, or adopt a quick fix called “windowing”, which would treat all dates from 00 to 20, as from the 2000s, rather than the 1900s. An estimated 80 per cent of computers fixed in 1999 used the quicker, cheaper option.

“Windowing, even during Y2K, was the worst of all possible solutions because it kicked the problem down the road,” says Dylan Mulvin at the London School of Economics.

Source: A lazy fix 20 years ago means the Y2K bug is taking down computers now | New Scientist